Local Direct Vendor Program

Looking for a direct-to-consumer market to sell your products year round?


Interested in being a part of a community of like-minded small businesses who are creating a thriving local economy?


Looking to grow your sales in a supportive environment?



Thatcher, Ursa Major Candles - Bethlehem, NH

Mark & Chelsea, Mystical Mountain Maple Syrup - North Stratford, NH

Sam, Trillium Beans & Bars - Bethlehem, NH

Heidi, Northwinds Farm - North Stratford, NH

Sally, Pratt Berry Farm - Lancaster, NH


How it works…

  • LDVs are provided space in our Marketplace to sell their products at a retail price that fits their business plan.

  • Sales and inventories are tracked through our POS system.

  • A monthly service fee is charged through a 80/20 commission basis. The LDV makes 80% of total sales income generated from their product and Taproot retains 20% on all sales of products, which goes toward Marketplace operations.


LDV Program Product Guidelines:

Food and Farm Products (your products must align with one of the following):

  1. Products must be raised, grown, or harvested by the LDV.

  2. Value added products must:

a. be made from ingredients the LDV raises, grows, or harvests themselves; OR

b. be made with the LDV's product as the primary ingredient; OR

c. be made from ingredients that are locally raised, grown, or harvested from within 100 miles.

3. Products are made from whole, unprocessed ingredients.

Non-food Products:

  1. Products must be handmade by the vendor using either repurposed, reused, or raw materials.

How do I become an LDV Member?

1. Apply 2. Interview 3. Onboarding

Apply HERE

[Taproot Marketplace] has been an essential piece to our farm business puzzle. The energy [staff] puts into the organization is unrivaled. Yes, for the community member who shops there, but what makes [Taproot] stand out is the dedication and care given to the local producers. [Taproot] prioritizes both sides of our local food system. That support allows us to plan properly for the store going into our production season. And in many ways, [Taproot] feels like a second home to Prospect Farm, as we can trust we are being thoughtfully represented while we are working out in the field
— Meryl, Prospect Farm