“My child had an amazing time at camp, came home tired, dirty, and smiling every day! It was exactly how I was hoping a summer camp would be!”
— Camper Parent

Summer Day Camp

Oh, boy…what fun we have at summer camp!!

Children are unplugged and immersed in nature, spending their days outdoors exploring the field, forest, stream, and wetland habitats. 

Soooo…what do we do at camp?

We spend our days engaged in so many fun activities - we build forts, play camouflage, and make water dams. We pick raspberries and sour apples. We make flower crowns and tree eyes, splash in streams, catch fish and caddisfly larvae. We meet trees, climb trees, and hide behind trees. We spy on insects and frogs. We tell stories, engage in imaginative play, and have lots of belly laughs. We sing songs, be silly, run free…and be kids. And at the end of the day, we send them home tired, dirty, and with big smiles!


Session 1: Pea Shoots & Polliwogs

June 30 - July 3, 9am - 3:00 pm

Early Bird Pricing $130.00 (save 20%)

This camp is open to children who will be entering Kindergarten in the fall and is a great opportunity to introduce the summer camp experience to our youngest friends. We’ll enjoy nature walks, play games, sing songs, share stories, and explore nature using all of our senses.


Session 2: Young Naturalists

July 7-11, 9am - 4pm

Early Bird Pricing $200.00 (save 20%)

Our Young Naturalists camp offers the opportunity for children to play outdoors while discovering the wonders of nature. Using their imagination and senses, children are engaged in activities while exploring, observing and learning about trees, plants, animals, birds, and insects…and making friends along the way.

Young Naturalist camp is open to those who have completed Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade at the end of this school year.


Session 3: Young Naturalists

July 14-18, 9am - 4pm

Early Bird Pricing $200 (save 20%)

Our Young Naturalist camp offers the opportunity for children to play outdoors while discovering the wonders of nature. Using their imagination and senses, children are engaged in activities while exploring, observing and learning about trees, plants, animals, birds, and insects…and making friends along the way.

Young Naturalist camp is open to those who have completed Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th grade at the end of this school year.

“As a family that enjoys the outdoors, this [summer camp] was right up our alley. Our child thoroughly enjoyed just playing outside and exploring all day. We had a wonderful experience that surpassed our expectations and we will definitely be back next year!”
— Camper Parent

Session 4: Young Naturalists

July 21 - July 25, 9-4

Early Bird Pricing $200.00 (save 20%)

Our Young Naturalists camp offers the opportunity for children to play outdoors while discovering the wonders of nature. Using their imagination and senses, children are engaged in activities while exploring, observing and learning about trees, plants, animals, birds, and insects…and making friends along the way.

Young Naturalist camp is open to those who have completed Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade at the end of this school year.


Session 5: Luna Camp

July 28 - August 1, 9-4

Early Bird Pricing $200.00 (save 20%)

Our Luna camp will offer young girls a week full of nature exploration in a safe and supportive, noncompetitive environment. Our strong role models will help to foster confidence, develop strength, and push boundaries while encouraging a sense of community with lots of laughter.

This week of camp is open to girls who have completed grades 4, 5, 6, or 7 at the end of this school year.

Half Day options are available from 9-12. No early bird pricing for Half Day options.

Payment plans and Scholarships are available

Click here for guidelines and application



Fully licensed Youth Camp Program with Department of Health & Human Services

Have Questions about our Camp?

reach out to education@taprootnh.org or 603-788-4813 x2

When registering for Summer Camp, you will have the option to add a Pay It Forward Scholarship of $10, $20, or $30 to your order. This donation goes directly to our Scholarship Fund to help make our summer camp accessible to everyone!